path path(ol.) =pathological; pathology. n. (pl. paths ) 1.(自然踏成的)路;路径;(马路边上的)人行道;(车子走不过的)小路;(竞走或自行车比赛的)跑道。 2.路线;路程;〔比喻〕(人生的)道路;(思想、行为、生活的)途径,方式。 3.【天文学】道,带。 approach path 【航空】进场航线。 moon's path 【天文学】白道。 path of a total eclipse 【天文学】全蚀带。 a path strewn with roses 撒满玫瑰的道路,安乐的一生。 a beaten path 踏出来的[走惯的]路;常规,普通方法。 break [blaze] a (new) path 开辟一条(新)路。 cross sb.'s path 碰见某人;挡住某人去路,阻碍某人。 set sb.on the right path 使某人走上正路。 path-breaker 开路人;闯将。 adj. -less 无路的,人迹未到的。
The name of the run , and the . html file extension into a single path ) 、运行名和扩展名. html合成一个路径。
Class can specify a single path or multiple paths related to configuration files 类可以指定与配置文件相关的单一路径或多个路径。
A type of work item that records a single path of user interaction through the system 一种类型的工作项,用于记录用户交互通过系统的单个路径。
A scenario is a type of work item , recording a single path of user interaction through the system 一个方案是一种工作项类型,记录系统中的用户交互的单个路径。
The temperature coefficient was measured to be 7hz / c , which was three orders of magnitude lower compared with that of the single path configuration 双声路的温度补偿效果很好,相对于单声路来说有三个数量级的改善。
The faa part 139 only requires that arff departments provide a single path through the burning fuel for passengers and crew to escape 美国联邦航空局第139部仅要求飞机救援消防部门提供乘客与机组人员一个逃生的单一通道,以便他们穿过燃烧的油料。
On single path condition , the multi - user detection algorithm is derived on the basis of the minimal square rule and the ml rule . a space - time multi - user detection structure and an adaptive method on cdma system are proposed 在单径情况下,基于最小均方误差原则和最大似然原则,提出了一种多用户检测算法和一种空时二维多用户检测器的结构。
Because of the disadvantage above , this paper has completed two improvements to the olsr . the first is changing the single path in traditional olsr protocol to multipath olsr . the intention is to distribute the data on all nodes in the network as soon as possible 为此,本文对传统olsr路由协议进行了两个方面的改进:一是将传统olsr改为多路径olsr ,多路径改进是为了克服传统olsr协议因为计算跳数最短路径而忽略节点拥塞状况引起的网络局部拥塞。
Abstract : in this paper , some main intensity compensation techniques for sensing measuring using intensity fiber as optical sensor are presented . especially , the fundamental principles , system configurations , functions and properties of the double path compensation techniques and single path compensation techniques are described in detail . the differences and relation of the double path compensation and single path compensation techniques are also analyzed 文摘:介绍了强度型光纤传感检测中实用的强度补偿技术,重点描述了双光路补偿和单光路补偿的基本原理、系统结构和性能特点,并分析了这两种方法的区别及联系。